If you are the owner of a business, you likely have heard the expression that “Time is money.” When your livelihood is dependent on making sure that you get things done, it’s understandable that the upkeep of the building you run your business from may fall through the cracks. And while it’s also understandable that shutting things down, even for a few hours to schedule maintenance may seem unappealing, it’s extremely important to remember that neglecting to do so could have disastrous— and long term effects— on your business.
Taking the time to schedule an infrared inspection for your Houston commercial property is a pre-emptive measure. This allows you minimal time without running business. Failing to bring in a profession for an inspection could leave you with much larger problems than a few hours of closing down shop. An infrared inspection searches for all sorts of damages, such as structural analysis and developing issues, a foundation inspection, water leaks, electrical shorts, and inadequate insulation. If a professional does not get a chance to come in and look for these sorts of issues, they can go unnoticed by the untrained eye. Even something as small as a water leak can build up to a monumental issue that can take days, even weeks to repair.
It’s also a good idea to go ahead and request a mold inspection on top of this. If mold is left untreated, it can become a major problem for the building where your business is held, making it an unsafe place to work or bring in customers. According to cdc.gov, mold can have an extremely dangerous affect on the health of you or your employees if exposed for too long. Once mold has been identified, si-restoration.com says it can take between 1 and 5 days to make sure a thorough removal has been done. Instead of being shut down for 5 days, doesn’t it sound more appealing to block out a few hours for an inspection?
If you’re ready to schedule an infrared imaging inspection or mold inspection, contact us.