Wounded Warrior Project & Able Infrared Inspection

For over 30 years, Able Infrared Inspection has happily provided property inspections, for both residential and commercial locations. We’ve found that there’s nothing that brings us more joy than providing our customers with the peace of mind that comes with a clean bill of property health. That being said, we feel that there is always room to give back, and to offer more peace of mind to people everywhere. So a long time ago, we decided that a portion of our profits would be donated to the Wounded Warrior Project.

The Wounded Warrior Project is a charity foundation that was founded in 2003 by a man name John Melia. The purpose behind its creation? After Melia himself became seriously injured serving in the army, he made it his mission to create public awareness about the veterans of this country. There are many struggles those coming out of war face, whether it is physical or mental, and the Wounded Warrior Project aims to “foster the most successful, well-adjusted generation of wounded service members in our nation’s history.” What started out as a small operation sending care packages to soldiers turned into a massive organization with over 71,000 Alumni members and over 11,000 registered members.

The WWP is determined to help veterans on many different levels. They offer programs dedicated to mental health, physical well-being and rehabilitation, the development and progress of economic empowerment, and the spreading of knowledge and engagement. They work to keep veterans in contact, as well as fighting to give veterans a voice to tell their story.

Every bit helps, so any donations, volunteer work, or even just advocating for wounded service members can make a massive difference. There are many events, often available in your area that you can attend or participate in to spread awareness of the cause, and of the fight for better lifestyles for our veterans. We here at Able Infrared and Inspection Services are determined to help make a change, and are proud supporters of the Wounded Warrior Foundation. For more information, please visit the Wounded Warrior Project website at www.woundedwarriorproject.org.



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